Funding from H2Ohio Rivers Chloride Reduction Grant ProgramMechanicsburg was recently awarded $17,000 in the second round of grant funding by Ohio EPA’s new H2Ohio Rivers Chloride Reduction Grant Program. This funding will be used to build a new salt storage facility. The structure was just installed 1/30/25. We are waiting for the weather to break to finish up the final details.
This is part of the $2.7 million in grants for 52 Ohio communities announced on August 1, 2024, by Governor Mike DeWine to upgrade equipment and salt storage facilities. The H2Ohio Rivers Program is an expansion of Governor DeWine’s H2Ohio initiative. Part of the program is to reduce excessive road salt usage and encourage communities and jurisdictions responsible for winter road and surface maintenance to adopt salt best management practices. Applicants for these grants were able to apply for funding for either new salt equipment or storage facility construction to help alleviate costs to local governments across Ohio. In May 2024, Ohio EPA announced 31 communities received $1.6 million in funding during the first round, which had over 260 applicants. Recent water quality testing has shown that Ohio’s waterways are seeing an increase in salt concentrations, primarily due to the use of road salt. Salt can also cause nutrients and metals to detach from sediment, decreasing water quality. There are many drinking water facilities across the state that utilize river water for their source of drinking water. Water that is contaminated with road salt requires additional treatment. Additionally, road salt can cause issues with corrosion in pipes, valves, and other drinking water equipment. Road salt also corrodes infrastructure like bridges and shortens the life of paved surfaces. Ohio EPA is excited about Mechanicsburg commitment to reducing salt in their community and protecting Ohio’s waterways.
There will be a meeting of the Mechanicsburg Village Planning Commission at 8:00 am on Saturday January 25th in the Village Hall Meeting Room.
There is an open seat for the Board of Zoning Appeals. Anyone interested in this position will need to drop off a resume to 18 N Main St before 5 PM on 12/27/24.
There will be a special meeting held to discuss rates and fees on Monday, 11/25/24 at 6:30 PM.
There will be a work session for Council on Monday, 10/28/24. The public is welcome to attend. 6:30 PM.
Dear Residents,
There was a glitch in the computer system resulting in some residents receiving an incorrect Water bill balance. New bills will be sent out today with the corrected amount due. Sorry for the inconvenience. The Public Meeting on Oct. 7th has been cancelled. The aggregation information will not be on the ballot this November.There will be a public meeting on 10/7/24 @ 5:30 PM @ 18 N. Main St. to discuss the aggregation that is on the ballot. This will be chance for the public to ask questions about the proposal.
Brush pickup for the Village of Mechanicsburg will begins Oct. 7 and end Dec. 6. Remember to follow these rules for Brush Pickup:
Village of Mechanicsburg Street Department Brush Pick up Brush pick up is provided as a free service to our residents who are cleaning up the yard around their homes. Brush is picked up on Monday. Leaf pickup begins the first Monday in October and ends the first Friday in December. Any leaves not captured within these dates will need bagged for pick-up. Please follow these rules: Brush cannot be larger than 4” in diameter or longer than 4’ long and must be in manageable bundles. No yard waste. (Grass clippings, sod, leaf’s etc.). No plastic bags. Do not blow grass clippings into the street. This washes into the catch basins and causes them to clog. No thorns, briars, or poison ivy in bundles. We will not pick up trimmings done by a private contractor. They are required to haul away their own debris. Do not place brushes in the street. Please place the brush between the street and sidewalk. The debris could clog our storm sewers if it is placed in the street. No trash. (Building materials, fence post, shingles etc). No stumps or bushes with root balls Any piles not adhering to the rules will be rejected and will not be reconsidered for pick up. Per Ordinance 16-06 Prohibiting disposal of leaves and other waste matter into storm sewers within the Village: Residents will be warned for disposing grass clippings into the gutters while mowing and any other violations will be documented and can be charged with a minor misdemeanor for each day of non-compliance. Trick or Treat: Thursday, October 31, 2024 from 6-8pm
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January 2025